Neon 99

99: What am I weighting for?


September 9th, aka 99 day. The significance of the number 99 for me is that is what my ultimate goal weight has been for 30 plus years. It just seemed perfect. My height 66 inches and to weigh 99 pounds. 6699, like the most harmonious height weight combo ever. I got close a few times and maintained 103 pounds. The only problem is, I never seen what it actually looked like. Also what I seen of my body, it did not look the way I thought it would. Seeing my ass disappear. Seeing what I eventually did grow for breasts disappear and never come back. In all honesty I became trapped in this tiny body that was doing me no favors at all. Further more, it is nothing like what I actually want to look like and where I want my transformation to go.

I like curves, jiggles, and LOVE when the knee area on legs gets filled in so the entire leg looks smooth, as in, very little to no bone definition. Then again I am bi and have a huge preference for BBW’s and SSBBW’s. But it is more than that. My desirous passion to be the thick curvy one cannot be denied. Getting older is also an issue in that for me, I do not ever want to be the older skinny type. You know, loose skin on bones and nothing else. There is no way in hell am I going to allow that to happen to me. No, I am not turning skinny phobe. To each their own. As they say these days, your body your choice. Well this is my body and this is my choice.

And what is my choice?

Today, on “99” day, I am announcing that I am DONE with the skinny game. I had a good run. I mean not many get past their 40’s while still being a size zero. Yes I am that tiny. But that is going to change. It has to, it will do, I said it so it shall be.

No idea where my weight will go. For sure I will hit BBW status, doubling my weight and maybe then some. I know how I want my body to look, and I don’t think there is any magical number to get it. I’d say around 220 to 260 pounds ultimately.

I’m going about this sensibly and realistically. My hard limits for this are, it cannot interfere with my hair growth – length in any way, and my mobility must be maintained. Being in the “business of pleasure” I have also fanned the idea on my xHamster profile and had nothing but positive responses to it. Not to mention some of my fan base is exclusively into BBW SSBBW’s and for some reason me. Something I never understood. Maybe they knew something I had yet to discover? Sometimes there is just certain looks and vibes a person has that speaks volumes without saying one word.

I’m really excited about this unknown journey to hella thickness. Hope you all are too. Yup, bigger and better things are coming. 🙂

Take care all. Peace love and hugs.

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Mandi Faux

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  • September 10th, 2022 at 3:36 pm

    You should definitely gain! You will be sooo hot with another 150 or so pounds on you! 😘

    • September 10th, 2022 at 6:28 pm

      Hopefully it all goes to the right areas. Get a huge ass thighs for days and more jiggle than jello in an earthquake. Plus some boobs to play with. Going to be one epic gain for sure. 🙂


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