Decade Of Sexcellence: The start of the Passion – Club Mandi

Decade Of Sexcellence: The start of the Passion

Hello everyone. Wow it has been a long time since I did a blog for sure, too long. For me, I don’t want to bore people with useless posts, so, only when I have something to say or tell, then I shall post. And I do have something to tell, my story of how and what got me started in the sex industry, on the 10 year anniversary to the day that it happened, sort of speak.

Ten years ago, I was in a city called Edmonton chillin at my favorite nightclub, The Roost, all dressed fine having a great time. The music was slammin with the live dj, but I wasn’t dancing, just having a good time looking around hoping to get lucky.

Prior background, it was also the same month I had lost my job because I was transgendered (yes, in Canada that happened, so don’t believe the freedom myth, reality is prejudice is a rampant epidemic at that time.) I really wanted to get away, loose myself in the crowd and feel good about being me while being free to be me.

Anyways, this girl came over and we started talking, just usual hello’s how you doing etc small talk. She was very friendly and we hit it off right away, little flirting too. Well ok, a lot but that’s why some people went to that club. We talked clear into the morning when last call was announced so we both left. She seen I had a car and asked if I could drive her to work, and I was like sure. We took off and talked while driving around, all the while I’m thinking where is this work place and damn going to work lookin that sexy, wow. Coming across a side street she asked me to pull into it and park and I did. It was then she just kissed, no idea where it came from but it was one long slow make your legs feel weak kinda kiss. I was almost speechless it was that good. She was like I don’t have to work tonight so lets head back to your place. Got some booze, cigarettes and a couple snacks and off we went back to my hotel room.

We started kissing as soon as we got there, had a few drinks and was getting crazy intimate with each other. Stopping for a brief moment she used the telephone to reply to a few messages on her voice box, and I heard some of what she was saying. So intriguing. When she got off, she asked why I was there and of course I told her about being fired for being tranny and went there looking for work. She understood and took a couple more calls and I knew what work she was in by the conversation I could hear. Turning to me and looking me up and down, she asked if I wanted to do what she did. I was really interested and said yes without even thinking. We both smiled and took yet another call of which this time she put me on the phone half way into the conversation. This was it, my first time talking to someone who wanted to pay … for sex. He asked my name and I made like I couldn’t hear him and said one second, looked to her and said “he asked my name”. Instantly she replied “Passion”.

By the time morning came around, we left because she was taking me to the spots, where to hang out at, where to find a safe shelter, and to get my first outfit for my first night out. This was another defining moment of my life, not only this whole experience, but also the going out. As we were looking at dresses I was so into a bunch of micro mini skirts but no, I couldn’t get any of those. “Here” she said “this is your first night dress.” I looked and it was a long black dress, so long all you could see is my ankles and a tiny bit of lower leg. I was like are you kidding me? No, she wasn’t. Any girl with short skirts and a tiny tight top, and I don’t want any girl, only a true beauty can get paid for sex using her beauty and not just relying on her body alone. She was so right. And yes, I was in a sense, hers, in other words she was pretty much my mentor and pimp.

I did work that night, as she continuously raised my price, kept making money spending money, never saving money. I was one hell of a week, sometimes scary, and sometimes it made me feel like that is where I belong doing what I love to do … having sex. I really did enjoy it looking back, I met some really cool people and had a wonderful time. My last day, I was having weird flashback like things going on in my head, and by the time they stopped I had driven out of the city. I still have no idea how I got out without having an accident in that state of mind. lol. All I knew was, I was part of a sex industry and I loved it, and it was exactly what I wanted to do. I also knew that, streets were dangerous and I would eventually end up dead if I kept up being a prostitute. It was during the rest of the drive back home that I decided the internet was the way to go, and become a pornstar.

I really wish I could meet this girl again though, even just to say hello. Her name was Velvet and was also Miss Gay Saskatoon (yes, she was a transsexual too). If anyone knows where she is or heard of her, please let me know.

And that’s the beginnings of what started it all. The story is true, but some details nobody will ever know. I do not recommend anyone to dive into a life of prostitution if they want to see what its like in any way. However, I have no regrets what so ever about what I did. If I woke up and had to do it all over, I would in a heartbeat.

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